Saturday, September 02, 2006

Don't Take My Word For It

Remember all those book reviews you wrote for the Teen Summer Read program? Here is what some San Francisco teens are reading...

The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things
by Carolyn Mackler

This is a book I think many people should read . The book is based on a 15 year old girl who lives in New York City. It's a great book for girls who have thought they were the only imperfections in their perfect families. The book shows the loneliness of a teenager when her best friend moves to Seattle.
Reviewer: Christina

The Circuit: Stories From the Life of a Migrant Child
by Francisco Jimenez

This book is about a Mexican family who came to California illegally. The author, which is also the main character, and his family had to live by picking cotton, grapes, and strawberries for different foreman during different seasons. Kids in this family barely went to school because when they were old enough to attend school, they had to help the family by working. This is a very interesting book because every chapter is a different story.
-L, San Francisco

Have you read these books? Post your comments.

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